Haggard Stores

Potato Storage Managment

Potato storage stands as a pivotal component in contemporary potato production, catering to the diverse demands of various markets. While it can be executed successfully, it is essential to recognize that storage inherently carries risks. The triumph of storage hinges on effective risk management and, ultimately, delivering the quality that customers are willing to pay for. Therefore, ensuring the efficient operation of a storage facility is a critical aspect of managing the entire potato production system.

In the face of cost pressures throughout the supply chain, it is imperative to minimize operating costs in storage as much as it is to maximize returns from the enterprise. Consequently, maintaining rigorous control over the storage facility is paramount, ensuring that costs are incurred only when delivering tangible benefits. This control encompasses various aspects, including:

Effective store management is a complex process, with multiple points at which problems and inefficiencies can arise, potentially jeopardizing the likelihood of success. It is crucial to note that the crop in storage originated from a field where decisions, ranging from the selection of the potato variety to addressing more intricate issues like the impact of chronological age on dormancy break and the necessity for sprout suppression, can significantly influence its performance in storage.

An additional critical determinant of storage success is the presence of an adequately 'set' skin on the crop. Without this characteristic, the storage of potatoes becomes a more intricate and challenging process. Therefore, meticulous attention to the factors influencing storage, coupled with proactive measures throughout the production cycle, is essential for achieving optimal outcomes in potato storage.

Sprout Suppression

  • Protecting & Preserving your harvest.
  • Professional Fogging Service, using Synofog & Xedafog electrical foggers with accredited operators.
  • Store Inspection precedes all applications ensuring best performance.
  • There are three sprout suppressant products available to us.